Understanding load indicator washers

Load indicator washers, also known as direct tension indicator (DTI) washers, are used to establish that a structural bolt connection is installed to the precise tension. Load indicating washers have been around since the 1960s and are extremely accurate. Their raised protrusions will collapse when the bolt is tightened to a specified gap. When the gap is reached, tension is achieved to the correct standard.

Load indicator washers are used on a hex assembly to ensure proper tension on bolts. Traditional DTI washers have bumps around the washer that flatten when the installer achieves the proper tension, providing visual confirmation that tension is reached. Load indicating washers are popular in mining, oil, and gas industries, where critical joint failure could result in large-scale disasters.

Benefits of using load indicator washers

  • DTIs are the simplest way to ensure bolting assemblies are tensioned correctly.
  • Using Direct Tension Indicator Washers saves costs on inspection.
  • Torque figures are not necessary.
  • Reduced risk of over-tightening.
  • Direct Tension Indicator washers preserve their accuracy regardless of their surface condition, even when oiled or rusted.
  • Thanks to their unique geometry, load indicator washers can be flattened entirely and be seen at a distance without a feeler gauge.
  • Load indicator washers provide guarantee slip resistance.
  • Learning to install Direct Tension Indicator washers is quick.
  • Load indicator washers are a cost-effective solution.
  • DTIs keep their accuracy in very cold and sweltering conditions.

Contact Reunko Steel for details

Reunko Steel can provide Direct Tension Indicator washers based on the diameter of the fastener, the size and the grade. We can also modify them to your specification to ensure they achieve the exact specification of tension.

In addition, we can colour code your load indicator washers for easy identification. However, please be aware that minimum order quantities may be applicable. To find out more about our load indicator washers, get in touch with one of our representatives today.

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